Chevrefoil CD cover

The Medieval Tale of Tristan and Isolde. Instruments include Medieval harp, vielle, oud, lute, recorder, saz, Medieval bagpipes, psaltery, tabla, riqq, tabor, and voice. Originally released in 2001, remastered version released in 2010. Total CD length: 64:26. $22

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Click the highlighted tracks below for sound samples.

  1. Introduction
  2. Quarte Estampie
  3. Amoroso
  4. Penser Ne Doit Vilenie
  5. Montarde/Dit Le Burguygnon
  6. Salterello 3/Petit Vriens
  7. Tristan is Banished
  8. De Moi Deloreus
  9. De Moi Deloreus (Danse)
  10. Tristan Returns to Cornwall
  11. Ghaetta
  12. Rendezvous Plans
  13. Quant Je Suis
  14. Tristan Writes a Note to Isolde
  15. Bonte De Valour
  16. Isolde Stops to Meet Tristan
  17. La Rotta
  18. Isolde Counsels Tristan
  19. Tristan Accepts Their Fate
  20. Lamento Di Tristano
  21. Conclusion