Medieval songs and dances Volume 1

This book is a collection of Medieval monophonic arrangements by Al Cofrin for amateur musicians intent on getting started in Medieval music. This book is essentially a Medieval fake book which includes Medieval dances, Troubador songs, Cantigas and others. The arrangements are written in modern notation.

The book is spiral bound with clear plastic covers. $50

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Index of Music

Ad Mortem Festinamus
Alle Psallite Cum Luya
Atesh Tanse
Bel Fiore Danca
Cantiga de Santa Maria #1 (De Oge mais)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #7 (Santa Maria amar)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #42 (A Virgen mui grorioso)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #48 (Tanto son da Grorioso)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #166 (Como Poden)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #207 (Se ome fezer de grado)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #322 (A Virgin que de Deus Madre)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #346 (Com’a grande enfermidade)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #353 (Quen a omagen da Virgen)
Cantiga de Santa Maria #362 (Ben Pode Santa Maria)
Carmina Burana no. 19 (Fas et nefas ambulant)
Carmina Burana no. 116 (Sic mea fata)
Carmina Burana no. 196 (In Taberna Quando Sumus)
Carmina Burana no. 200 (Bacche, bene venies)
Ce Fut en mai
C’est la fin song & C’est la fin danse
Chanconeta Tedescha 1
Chanterai por mon coraige
Chevalier, mult estes guariz
Chominciamento di Gioia
Chose Loyset
Chose Tassin 2
Chose Tassin 3
Cuando el Rey Nimrod
Cuncti simus concanentes
Danca Amorosa/Troto
Danse Real(F)
Danse Real(C)
Danse Real II
Danse Royale(G)
Danse Royale(D)
De bonte’, de valour
De bonte’, de valour/danse
De moi dolereus
De moi dolereus/danse
Douce Dame Jolie
Edi beo thu, heven-queene
Ein Keloheinu
English Dance
Inperayritz de la ciutat joyosa
In Pro
Kaaurdilicaz longa
Kalenda Maya
Lamento di Tristano/Rotta
Los set goyts
Los set goyts Estampie
Lunga Nahawend
Miri it is while sumer ilast
Mors Vite Propitia
Non es Meravelha s’eu chan
Nota/Ductia I
Nota/Ductia II
Nota/Ductia III
Penser ne doit vilenie
Penser ne doit vilenie/danse
Polorum Regina
Prime Estampie Royal
Quantas sabedes amar amigo
Quant je sui mis au retour
Quant je voi yver retorner
Quarte Estampie Royal
Quinte Estampie Real
Rei Glorios
Reine Aurilloza
El Rey de Francia
El Rey que tanto madruga
Salterello 1
Salterello 2
Salterello 3(G) & Salterello 3(C)
Salterello 4
Seconde Estampie Royal
Septime Estampie Real
Seste Estampie Real
Souvent Souspire
Splendens ceptigera
Stella Splendens
Sumer is icumen in
Tierche Estampie Roial
Tre Fontane
Uitime Estampie Real
Under der linden
Volez-vous que je vous chant
Winder wie ist